Mayan Interactive Games

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  1. Mayan Ball Game History
  2. Mayan Interactive Games Free
  3. Mayan Interactive Games Online

Have students try these activities to expand their knowledge and interest in the Maya.

Social Studies, Art, Language Arts

Play Mayan at Mayan and many other same color games are available for free at our website. Play this game now! Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure is a side-scrolling action-platform video game developed by Activision in conjunction with Kroyer Films and originally published for the Sega Genesis on North America and Europe in 1994. The fourth installment in the Pitfall! Franchise, players assume the role of. They have given us many gifts – an accurate 365-day calendar, their glorious cities that have stood the test of time, a lasting body of knowledge about the night sky, and maybe best of all – chocolate! Step back in time with us as we explore what it meant to live in the time of the Ancient Mayans. Video length: 22:17 minutes.

To familiarize students with where the Maya lived, have them first locate Central America on a map or globe. Then have them locate Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Belize, the Yucatán peninsula, and the Gulf of Mexico. Provide students with blank maps of Central America or have them draw their own maps. Students can then fill in the names of all the countries, their capitals, mountain ranges, major rivers, and the bodies of water surrounding Central America. Each student should then select one country in Central America and research the current population, crops, important products exported, and so on.

Language Arts, Art

Have students try their hand at creating hieroglyphs of their own. To start, they should study the hieroglyphs shown in Math, Science, Writing and Art and in Uncovering the Secrets of the Maya. Students can then give themselves appropriate Maya-like nicknames that can be shown in picture form, such as Jeweled Skull or Jaguar. They can draw the hieroglyphic and show the class, explaining why they selected their nickname. Students should then use pictures to make a sentence and create a key showing what each hieroglyph means. Have students trade papers and keys and try to decipher the sentences.

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Have students use the information in Math, Science, Writing and Art to learn how the Maya wrote large numbers. After writing a few practice numbers as a class, give students a large number, such as 2,798, and ask each student to try to write it the Maya way. Have students compare what they wrote. Then write a number using the Maya method and challenge students to determine what the number is. Encourage students to challenge each other with similar problems.

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Science, Math

Mayan Ball Game History

As explained in Math, Science, Writing and Art , the Maya accurately calculated the number of days it takes Venus to travel around the sun—approximately 584 days. Have students research and make a class list of how long it takes other planets to travel around the sun. Have students make up word problems using the information from the chart, such as “How much longer does it take Venus to travel around the sun than it takes Earth?” or “Which planet takes the longest time to travel around the sun?”

Social Studies, Language Arts


Rigoberta Menchú won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1992. Have students develop questions they want to know about the Nobel Peace Prize. List the questions on the board. For example, students may want to know what the prize is for, when it was first awarded, who awards the prize, who has received the award and why, and what the actual prize looks like. Then students can research the answers. Ask students to discuss some current people who they feel deserve the award.

Games and Activities on the Maya Kids Discover

Chichen Itza, one of the largest sites near Cancun, Mexico, has a ball game court. It is larger than a football field --at about 150 by 40 feet -- it is the largest in the Mundo Maya. The ball game, which was a common activity of all Mesoamerican peoples and originated about 3,000 B.C., had a ritualistic fun

nction for the ancient Maya.

There were two teams -- the number of players depended on the region where the game was played. Most ball courts had two sloping parallel walls inset with three round disks called markers or a single stone ring, at right angles to the ground.

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The game appears in various myths, sometimes as a struggle between day and night deities, or the battles between the gods in the sky and the lords of the underworld. The ball symbolized the sun, moon, or stars, and the rings stood for sunrise and sunset, or equinoxes.
The players scored by touching the markers or passing the ball—which was 50 centimeters in diameter and weighed more than a two pounds—through the rings. The markers or rings were several yards above the ground, and the players could only touch the ball with their elbows, knees or hips. Scoring was considered such a feat that it usually ended the game.

Ball games would go on for days (the word lamik being the name of one of the days). The Maya ball game was called Pok-A-Tok.

These games could go on for days. It was played on an odd shaped field. The object of the game was to move a hard rubber ball without the use of hands or feet. It wasn't real hard to keep score, since it took so long to get the ball through the stone hoop.

Mayan Interactive Games Online

The losing team was usually sacrificed.
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